Saturday, August 4, 2007

Clothing crisis

It seems to me much of life is a clothing crisis, "formal or casual" (or something along those lines) ad infinitum. Preparing for the pilgrimage to Montana and the Hidden Land of Yeshé Tsogyal is no different. I've consulted the sartorially elegant and eloquent Naljorma gZa’tsal and Ngakma Dé-zér and received detailed helpfulness in emails on good riding gear and attire. So with some confidence I ordered 'the hat' from Tonto Rim, which has been delivered to my first pre-Montana US destination - I am now a fever pitch excitement. I've also ordered various items of clothing online, but possibily left it a little late, consternation!

1 comment:

Amelia Josephine Taylor said...

I hope clothing crisis has abated in time for said trip to hidden lands...please send my love to everyone. Thinking of you xxxxxxx